This is the short online course that takes your birth partner from
“I don’t know what to do” to “I’ve got you babe, I’m ready to be your confident, solid labour support”
Your birth partner will learn all the practical ways to feel fully involved when you’re in labour, so they won’t be standing there feeling useless.
I am SO excited to be launching my BRAND NEW course Be the Best Birth Support SOON!
Join the VIP Waitlist here ⤵
And you will get an email with all the details on the 18th August letting you know how you can join Be The Best Birth Support for only $47usd.
Join Be The Best Birth Support and your birth partner will know:
👉 exactly what to do and when to do it so they can confidently support you.
👉 when it’s time to head to the hospital and what they need to do before you leave home.
👉 how to communicate with your medical team, so your wishes are respected & your voice is heard, especially when you can’t speak up.
👉 how to stay calm and supportive under pressure, making sure they don’t make mistakes when it matters most.
👉 understand and anticipate your needs, even when you might not be able to articulate them clearly.
👉 how to support you if complications arise or medical interventions are needed.
Your birth partner will learn about all the stages of labour, including how to identify which stage you're in, what you might be doing, saying, & feeling, & what kind of emotional & physical support you'll need from them at every stage.
And, this course is self-paced, so you can cuddle up on the sofa & watch the short episodes whenever it suits you
Pop you email address in below & I’ll let you know when it is ready 👀 🎉 ⤵️
Plus, my VIP subscribers will be offered the course at a very reduced price for signing up first.
(and of course, I’ll respect your privacy & you can unsubscribe any time you wish).